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IWMReader Interface

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IWMReader interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
Close Terminates the reading of a file.
GetOutputCount Retrieves the number of uncompressed streams sent to from the reader.
GetOutputFormat Retrieves the supported formats for a specified output.
GetOutputFormatCount Retrieves the number of format types supported by this output on the reader.
GetOutputProps Retrieves the properties of an uncompressed output stream, if an index is specified.
Open Opens a Windows Media file for reading.
Pause Pauses the current read operation.
Resume Restarts read operation from the current time offset.
SetOutputProps Specifies the properties of an uncompressed output stream, if an index is specified.
Start Starts reading from the current time offset. Uncompressed data is passed to IWMReaderCallback::OnSample.
Stop Stops reading without moving the logical read position.

See Also


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