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The OnStatus method is called when status information must be communicated by the reader to the host application. This happens routinely when a Windows Media file is being opened and read, and when errors occur during reading.


  WMT_STATUS  Status,
  HRESULT  hr,
  BYTE*  pValue,
  void*  pvContext



[in]  Specifies one member of the WMT_STATUS enumeration type.  For a description of possible WMT_STATUS members, see the table in the Remarks section.


[in]  Specifies an HRESULT error code.


[in]  Double word containing a value of WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE type, indicating what this OnStatus call means.


[in]  Pointer to a value object.


[in]  Universal pointer to the context. This context pointer matches the context passed to IWMReader::Open, IWMReader::Start, or IWMIndexer::StartIndexing.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an HRESULT error code.


The contents of pParam depend on those of Status.

The WMT_STATUS members that can be returned by the IWMReaderCallback method are as follows.

Members Number Description
WMT_ERROR 0 An error occurred in reading the file.
WMT_OPENED 1 The file has been opened for reading.
WMT_BUFFERING_START 2 The reader has started buffering data.
WMT_BUFFERING_STOP 3 The reader has stopped buffering data.
WMT_EOF 4 The reader has reached the end of the file.
WMT_END_OF_FILE 4 The reader has reached the end of the file.
WMT_END_OF_SEGMENT 5 When the Start() method is called with a duration argument, WMT_END_OF_SEGMENT is returned when playback has been completed after the specified period.  The argument is a QWORD indicating duration of playback in 100-nanosecond units.
WMT_END_OF_STREAMING 6 The file has finished streaming.
WMT_LOCATING 7 Locating a server.
WMT_CONNECTING 8 Connecting to a server.
WMT_NO_RIGHTS 9 The reader does not have the appropriate rights to access this file.
WMT_MISSING_CODEC 10 The reader does not have the appropriate codec to decompress this file.
WMT_STARTED 11 The reader has started reading the file
WMT_STOPPED 12 The reader has stopped reading the file.
WMT_CLOSED 13 The reader has closed the file.
WMT_STRIDING 14 The reader is seeking through the file.
WMT_TIMER 15 A timer event has occurred.

The WMT_STATUS enumerated types that can be returned by the IWMIndexer::StartIndexing method are as follows.

Members Number Description
WMT_ERROR 0 An error occurred in reading the file.
WMT_OPENED 1 The file has been opened for indexing.
WMT_STARTED 11 The indexer has started indexing the file
WMT_STOPPED 12 The indexer has stopped indexing the file.
WMT_CLOSED 13 The indexer has closed the file.
WMT_INDEX_PROGRESS 16 Indicates the progress of the current indexing operation.  The argument is a double word that indicates percentage completed, ranging from 0 to 100.

See Also


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