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The SetMaxKeyFrameSpacing method specifies the maximum interval between key frames.


HRESULT SetMaxKeyFrameSpacing(
  LONGLONG  llTime



[in]  Specifies the maximum key frame spacing in 100-nanosecond units.

Return Values

This method always returns S_OK.


A key frame is a video frame that is streamed without any information being required from any previous frame. A delta frame is a frame that is dependent on a previous frame. You can seek to a key frame, but not to a delta frame.

A LONGLONG is defined as a 64-bit signed integer (the same size as a QWORD, except that it is signed). This type is only used to maintain full compatibility with the WM_MEDIA_TYPE structure.

A nanosecond is one-millionth of a millisecond.

See Also


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