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IWMWriter Interface

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IWMWriter interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
AllocateSample Allocates a buffer that you can use to supply samples to the writer.
BeginWriting Initializes the writing process.
EndWriting Terminates the writing process.
Flush Clears the writer of data, leaving the writer prepared to run again for the next WriteSample method call.
GetInputCount Retrieves the number of uncompressed input streams.
GetInputFormat Retrieves possible media formats for the specified input.
GetInputFormatCount Retrieves the number of format types supported by this input on the writer.
GetInputProps Retrieves the media properties of an input stream, if an index is specified.
SetInputProps Specifies the media properties of an input stream, if an index is specified.
SetOutputFilename Specifies the name of the file to be written.
SetProfile Specifies the profile to use for the current writing task, using a pointer to an IWMProfile object.
SetProfileByID Specifies the profile to use for the current writing task, identifying the profile by itsglobally unique identifier.
WriteSample Passes in uncompressed data to be compressed and appended to the Windows Media file that is being created.

Call QueryInterface on IWMWriter for a pointer to IWMHeaderInfo and IWMWriterAdvanced interfaces.

See Also


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