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The WMWriterStatistics structure describes the performance of the WMWriter.


typedef struct _WMWriterStatistics{
    QWORD  qwSampleCount;
    QWORD  qwByteCount;
    QWORD  qwDroppedSampleCount;
    QWORD  qwDroppedByteCount;
    DWORD  dwCurrentBitrate;
    DWORD  dwAverageBitrate;
    DWORD  dwExpectedBitrate;
    DWORD  dwCurrentSampleRate;
    DWORD  dwAverageSampleRate;
    DWORD  dwExpectedSampleRate;



QWORD containing the sample count.


QWORD containing the byte count.


QWORD containing the dropped sample count.


QWORD containing the dropped byte count.


Double word containing the current bit rate.


Double word containing the average bit rate.


Double word containing the expected bit rate.


Double word containing the current sample rate.


Double word containing the average sample rate.


Double word containing the expected sample rate.


Sample rates are given as 1000 * (samples / second).

See Also


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