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Windows Media Device Manager Programming Reference

This programming reference contains complete reference information on the objects, interfaces, methods, and structures used by Windows Media™ Device Manager. The reference is made up of the following sections.

Section Description
Objects Lists the interfaces implemented by each object of the Windows Media Device Manager API, the Service Provider interface, and the Secure Content Provider interface
Application Programming Interfaces Lists the interfaces and methods used by an application to enumerate and control media devices through Windows Media Device Manager.
Application-implemented Interfaces Lists two optional callback interfaces that an application can implement to enhance data transfer operations and progress tracking.
Structures Lists the structures used by the Windows Media Device Manager interfaces.
Service Provider Interfaces Lists the interfaces and methods used by Windows Media Device Manager to enumerate and control media devices.
Secure Content Provider Interfaces Lists the interfaces and methods implemented by a provider of secured content to perform secured-content interactions.
Object Logging Interface Lists the interface and the methods used by Windows Media Device Manager plug-ins to create consistent log entries in a common log file.
Secure Authenticated Channel Interface Lists the interface and methods used for secure, encrypted communication among modules of Windows Media Device Manager.

See Also


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