Windows Media Format SDK banner art


This SDK supports the following interfaces.

Interface Description
INSSBuffer Provides a wrapper for memory buffers, enabling memory to be passed without incurring extra copying of data.
IWMHeaderInfo Manages the specifying and retrieving of header information, such as metadata, markers, and so on.
IWMIndexer Manages indexing.
IWMInputMediaProps Used to retrieve an input stream group name and type.
IWMMediaProps Used as the main interface for the other media-properties interfaces (audio, binary, visual, and so on).
IWMMetadataEditor Used as the main interface for opening and closing metadata information.
IWMMutualExclusion Used to specify a group of streams, of which only one can be played at once.
IWMOutputMediaProps Used to retrieve an output stream group name and type.
IWMProfile Profiles define authoring configurations such as stream types, bit rates, and so on. Most users use pre-existing profiles so do not need to implement this interface.
IWMProfileManager Manages the loading and saving of profiles.
IWMReader Manages the reading of Windows Media™ files.
IWMReaderAdvanced Provides advanced functionality to an existing IWMReader object.
IWMReaderCallback Implemented by the user of the reader to provide sample and status information about a current reading operation.
IWMReaderCallbackAdvanced Optionally implemented by the user of the reader to provide advanced functionality to an existing IWMReaderCallback object.
IWMReaderStreamClock Sets timers, retrieves current time values and cancels timers on stream clocks.
IWMStreamConfig Represents a Windows Media™ stream.
IWMStreamList Manages the various objects that define relationships between streams.
IWMVideoMediaProps Manages the properties of a video stream.
IWMWriter Used as the main interface for writing audio, video and script Windows Media files.
IWMWriterAdvanced Provides advanced functionality to an existing IWMWriter object.
IWMWriterFileSink Manages a file sink.
IWMWriterNetworkSink Manages a network sink.
IWMWriterSink Manages raw Windows Media™ Format input from the writer interfaces. Used as a base interface for the other writer sink interfaces.


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