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Windows Media metafiles (which use the .wax and .wvx extensions) are based on the Extensible Markup Language (XML) syntax, and are made up of various elements with their associated tags and attributes. Each element in a Windows Media metafile defines a particular setting or action in the Microsoft® Windows Media™ Player. Some elements must be located in a specific position in the file relative to other elements. Some elements have required tags and attributes that must be defined in the Windows Media metafile. Element names and attributes are not case-sensitive.
The most important part of successfully using Windows Media metafiles is the correct syntax of the .wax or .wvx metafile elements. Syntax errors in a Windows Media metafile with a .wmx or .wvx extension can cause anything from a single attribute being overlooked, to the metafile not being recognized as valid and failing to work.
Almost as important is the order in which the elements appear in the Windows Media metafile. The attributes of some elements temporarily override the attributes of similar elements in different sections of the metafile.
For more information about WAX or WVX elements, see the following sections in the ASX Elements Reference in the Windows Media Player Control SDK documentation. This reference contains a definition of each of the elements, their attributes and their values, and special conditions related to each element:
Element | Description |
ABSTRACT | Contains text that represents a description of the associated ASX, BANNER, or ENTRY element. |
ASX | Defines a file as a Windows Media metafile with an .asx extension. |
AUTHOR | Contains a text string representing the name of the author of a Windows Media metafile with an .asx extension or media clip. |
BANNER | Defines a URL to a graphic file that appears in the display panel. |
BASE | Defines a URL string appended to the front of URLs sent to Windows Media Player. |
COPYRIGHT | Defines a text string specifying the copyright information for an ASX or ENTRY element. |
DURATION | Defines the length of time Windows Media Player renders a stream. |
ENDMARKER | Specifies a marker at which Windows Media Player stops rendering the stream. |
ENTRY | Defines a clip. |
ENTRYREF | Links to the ENTRY elements in an external Windows Media metafile with an .asx extension. |
EVENT | Defines a behavior or action taken by Windows Media Player when it receives a script command labeled as an event. |
LOGO | Specifies a graphic file to be displayed as a logo. |
MOREINFO | Specifies a URL to a Web site, e-mail address, or script command associated with a show, clip, or banner. |
PARAM | Defines a custom parameter associated with a clip |
PREVIEWDURATION | Defines the length of time a clip is played in preview mode. |
REF | Specifies a URL for a piece of media content |
REPEAT | Defines the number of times Windows Media Player repeats one or more ENTRY or ENTRYREF elements. |
STARTMARKER | Specifies a marker from which point Windows Media Player starts rendering the stream. |
STARTTIME | Defines a time index from which the Windows Media Player will start rendering the stream. |
TITLE | Defines a text string specifying the title for an ASX or ENTRY element. |
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