Windows Media Player Control SDK Banner Art
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Retrieving Presentation Information

The Microsoft® Windows Media™ Player control supports streaming media content, as well as playback of local media content files. The Windows Media Player can render streaming media from computers running Windows Media Services or Microsoft® NetShow™ Theater Server software. The Windows Media Player can receive streamed content in one of two ways:

Many clips and stations contain information describing the media content. The Windows Media Player control exposes several attributes for retrieving this information.

This article contains the following sections.

Clips and Shows

The GetMediaInfoString method can retrieve the following information about the clip and show:

Clip information can be stored in the media file, an Advanced Stream Redirector (ASX) file, or both. If the clip information is specified in an ASX file, the GetMediaInfoString method retrieves the information from the ASX file, overriding the information contained in the clip.

Additional information can be placed in PARAM tags for each show and clip within the ASX file. You can add as many PARAM tags per clip as you like, storing custom information such as "Director," "Producer," or links to related sites. The information contained in these tags are accessed with the GetMediaParameter method.

The following properties return information about the size and duration of each clip:


The Windows Media Player uses Windows Media Station (.nsc) files to get the information it needs to receive multicast content over the Internet. These files contain information such as stream location and rollover URL, as well as descriptive information about the station. The Windows Media Player control exposes the following properties for retrieving station information:

Each channel has a contact responsible for the multicast. Channel contact properties include the following:

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