Windows Media Player Control SDK Banner Art
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*Previous Topic: About the Windows Media Player Control
*Next Topic: What Background Do You Need?

What's New for the Windows Media Player Control?

New multimedia functionality has been added to the Microsoft® Windows Media™ Player control since its last release. These changes are valid for versions of the Windows Media Player control available in Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5, the Microsoft® Windows® 98 OEM Service Release (OSR), and Microsoft® Windows 2000.

The Windows Media Player control now supports playback of Digital Video Disc (DVD) media. Microsoft has included scripting support for nearly all DVD-specific capabilities, such as title and chapter seeking, video angle changes, and multi-language support. The added features and scripting support are listed in detail in Using DVD with the Windows Media Player Control.

The Windows Media Player control now also supports playback for Compact Disc (CD) audio. By specifying CDAUDIO: for the input filename, you can play an entire CD as if it were a single audio stream. The Windows Media Player control treats individual tracks of the CD as markers within the audio stream. For more information, see Compact Disc Audio Playback.

Microsoft has made all Windows Media Player functionality available to web scripting languages such as Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition and Microsoft® JScript®. This enables you to embed the Windows Media Player control in HTML applications and create custom faceplates for your multimedia presentations. You can create an entire user interface on a faceplate that is tailored for the media you are presenting. The Faceplate Authoring Guide walks you through the process of creating a faceplate, and provides sample code demonstrating the concepts discussed.

As part of the new faceplate functionality, Microsoft has added script support for accessing information contained in Advanced Stream Redirector files (ASX) files and embedding as much custom information within each media file as you like. The Windows Media Player control reads the information from the ASX file, and scripts can then retrieve the information and display it on a faceplate.

The following scripting and ASX elements are new to this release of the Windows Media Player control.

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