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Defines the length of time the Microsoft® Windows Media™ Player control will render a stream.




VALUE (required)
The length of time, in hours, minutes, seconds, and hundredths of seconds, that a stream is rendered by the Windows Media Player control. The default value is the entire length of the content stream or media.

Parent/Child Information

Parent elements ENTRY, REF
Child elements None


This element defines the length of time a stream is to be rendered. If the VALUE attribute exceeds the length of the content stream, the stream terminates at its normal end-point.

This element can appear either within a REF element or within an ENTRY element. However, a DURATION element defined within a REF element overrides one that appears within the REF element's parent ENTRY element.


<DURATION VALUE="00:00:30" />   <!-- 30 seconds -->
<DURATION VALUE="1:01.5" />     <!-- 61.5 seconds -->

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