Windows Media Player Control SDK Banner Art
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Specifies a URL to a Web site, e-mail address, or script command associated with a show, clip, or banner.




HREF (required)
URL to a Web site, e-mail address, or script command.
Value defining the frame or window in which the browser will open the page defined by the HREF attribute. This can be a string representing a window name, or one of the following values:
_blank The document loads in a new browser window.
_self The document loads in the same frame as the current document containing the Windows Media Player control.
_parent The document loads in the immediate parent frame of the current frame, or the current frame if there is no parent frame.
_top The document loads in the full browser window, replacing all other frames or documents.
See Remarks for more information.

Parent/Child Information

Parent elements ASX, ENTRY, BANNER
Child elements None


This element specifies a URL to a Web site, e-mail address, or script command. The user can access the target of the URL by clicking on the graphic or text associated with the MOREINFO element, or by opening the More Information submenu of the Microsoft® Windows Media™ Player File menu. The details depend on the parent element of the MOREINFO element:

If the HREF attribute specifies a URL to a Web site, the browser opens and navigates to the URL. If the HREF attribute specifies an e-mail address, the user's e-mail application starts. If the HREF attribute specifies a script command, the script command executes in the browser.

Note: If the MOREINFO element appears within an ASX or ENTRY element, the mouse cursor changes to a pointing hand when placed over the title of the show (for an ASX element) or clip (for an ENTRY element), and the URL defined in the HREF attribute is displayed in the status bar of the Windows Media Player. If the parent element does not have a title, the URL cannot be accessed by clicking on the display panel, although it can still be accessed through the More Information sub-menu.

The TARGET attribute defines the frame or window in which the browser will open the page defined by the HREF attribute. The values for this attribute follow standard HTML syntax and definitions. In the case of a control embedded in a web page, if no TARGET attribute is defined, the URL loads the current browser window and replaces the existing page, which means the content stops playing. Therefore, it is recommended that you specify a TARGET attribute with an embedded control.

If the Advanced Stream Redirector (ASX) file is opened in the stand-alone Windows Media Player, the TARGET attribute is ignored, and the URL loads in a new browser window.



   <TITLE>Example Media Player Show</TITLE>
      <TITLE>Example Clip</TITLE>
      <MOREINFO HREF="" />
      <REF HREF="mms://" />

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