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Defines the length of time a clip plays in preview mode.




VALUE (required)
Length of time, in hours, minutes, seconds, and hundredths of seconds, that the clip plays in preview mode.

Parent/Child Information

Parent elements ASX, ENTRY, REF
Child elements None


This element defines the length of time that a clip plays in preview mode. If this element appears within an ENTRY element or a REF element, it applies to the clip defined by that element. If it appears within the scope of an ASX element, it applies to every clip in the Advanced Stream Redirector (ASX) file. A PREVIEWDURATION element in a REF element takes precedence over one in an ENTRY element, and either takes precedence over a PREVIEWDURATION element in an ASX element. If no PREVIEWDURATION element is defined for a clip, the default preview time is 10 seconds.

If there is a STARTTIME or STARTMARKER element for the clip, the Microsoft® Windows Media™ Player control renders the clip starting at the point defined by one of these elements, otherwise it renders from the beginning of the clip. The clip stops normally if it is shorter than the time defined by the PREVIEWDURATION element.



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