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TITLE Element

Defines a text string specifying the title for an ASX or ENTRY element.


   text string



Parent/Child Information

Parent elements ASX, ENTRY
Child elements None


This element defines a text string that specifies the title of an ASX or ENTRY element. The title is displayed in the display panel and Properties dialog box.

When this element appears within an ASX element, the title is displayed as the show title on the display panel and on the Show tab of the Properties dialog box. When this element appears within an ENTRY element, the text is displayed in the clip bar of the display panel and on the Clip tab of the Properties dialog box.

If a MOREINFO element is also used with the associated (parent) element, it is the title text that the user clicks to access the URL defined in the MOREINFO element.

Each parent ASX and ENTRY element should contain at most one child TITLE element. Multiple TITLE elements after the first will be ignored and will not display.


   <TITLE>Title of the Show</TITLE>
      <TITLE>Title of the Clip</TITLE>
      <REF HREF="mms://" />

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