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Indicates the digital video disc (DVD) player's new domain.


MediaPlayer_DVDNotify(Event, Param1, Param2)


Event Value that resolves to 257 if this event occurs.
Param1 DWORD value indicating the new domain. See Remarks.
Param2 Zero.


The domain parameter (Param1) can have any of the following possible values.

Value Constant Domain Description
1 FP_DOM FirstPlay Doing default initialization of a DVD disc.
2 VMGM_DOM VideoManagerMenu Displaying menus for whole disc.
3 VTSM_DOM VideoTitleSetMenu Displaying menus for current title set.
4 TT_DOM Title Displaying current title.
5 STOP_DOM Stop Player is in stopped state.

The DVD player signals this event whenever it changes domains. The domain indicates the state of the DVD player.

All domains raise this event. For more information on domains, see the CurrentDomain property.

For information on how to use this event code, see DVDNotify.

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