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GetSubpictureLanguage Method

Retrieves a value specifying the language for the specified subpicture stream.


sRetVal = MediaPlayer.DVD.GetSubpictureLanguage( uStream )


uStream ULONG value specifying the subpicture stream number.

Return Value

Returns a BSTR value identifying a language according to the Alpha-2 Code defined in ISO-639. See Remarks.


Subpictures are encoded graphics, such as subtitles or menus, that can be displayed over the top of the video.

This method returns an error unless the domain is TT_DOM. For more information on domains, see the CurrentDomain property.

The following link contains information on the Alpha-2 Codes defined in ISO-639, external link

See Also

CurrentSubpictureStream, SubpictureOn, SubpictureStreamsAvailable, EC_DVD_SUBPICTURE_STREAM_CHANGE

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