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SubpictureOn Property

Sets or retrieves a value specifying whether the subpicture is displayed.


MediaPlayer.DVD.SubpictureOn [ = bSubpicture ]

Possible Values

bSubpicture Boolean value specifying whether the subpicture is displayed. When true, the subpicture is displayed.

This property is read/write.


Subpictures are encoded graphics, such as subtitles or menus, that can be displayed over the top of the video. Subpicture streams authored as forcedly activated streams will be displayed even if this property is set to false.

The current domain must be TT_DOM when you retrieve this property.

See Also

CurrentSubpictureStream, SubpictureStreamsAvailable, GetSubpictureLanguage, EC_DVD_SUBPICTURE_STREAM_CHANGE, CurrentDomain

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