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InvokeURLs Property

Sets or retrieves a value specifying whether the Microsoft® Windows Media™ Player control automatically invokes URLs in a browser (URL flipping).


MediaPlayer.InvokeURLs [ = bFlipping ]

Possible Values

bFlipping Boolean value specifying whether URL flipping is enabled. If true, URL flipping is enabled.

This property is read/write with a default value of true.


ASF files can contain Uniform Resource Locators (URLs). When a URL is sent to the Windows Media Player control, it is passed first to the ScriptCommand event, regardless of the value of the InvokeURLs property. After ScriptCommand exits, the value of InvokeURLs determines whether the Windows Media Player control starts the default browser and loads the URL. You can selectively display URLs by checking them in ScriptCommand and setting InvokeURLs as desired. For more information, see the ScriptCommand event.

See Also

ScriptCommand, Processing Embedded Script Commands

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