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SAMIStyle Property

Sets or retrieves a value representing the closed captioning style.


MediaPlayer.SAMIStyle [ = "sStyle" ]

Possible Values

sStyle String value representing the closed captioning style.

This property is read/write. If no style is specified, the default behavior is for closed captioning to use the first style defined in the Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange (SAMI) file.


A SAMI file can contain several format style definitions. SAMI styles are defined between the <STYLE> and </STYLE> tags in the SAMI file. A style can be defined by any text string preceded by a pound sign (#). For example, #BigFont can be used to specify that closed captioning should display in a larger font size.

See Also

CaptioningID, SAMILang, ShowCaptioning, Closed Captioning

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