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ReadyState Property

Retrieves a value specifying the state of readiness of the Microsoft® Windows Media™ Player control.


[ lState = ] MediaPlayer.ReadyState

Possible Values

lState Long value specifying the state of readiness of the Windows Media Player control. It can have one of the following possible values.
Value Visual Basic Constant Description
0 mpReadyStateUninitialized The FileName property has not been initialized.
1 mpReadyStateLoading Windows Media Player control is asynchronously loading a file.
3 mpReadyStateInteractive Windows Media Player control loaded a file, and downloaded enough data to play the file, but has not yet received all data.
4 mpReadyStateComplete All data has been downloaded.

This property is read-only.


Windows Media Player control changes this property at run time, and passes its value as a parameter to the ReadyStateChange event.

The Play method does not work until the value of ReadyState is 3 (mpReadyStateInteractive) or 4 (mpReadyStateComplete).

See Also


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