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Channel.InitializeFromNSC Method

Initializes the station from an .nsc file.


NSChannelMgr.Channels(ChannelName).InitializeFromNSC( NSCFileName, Filter )



A String value specifying the name and path, or universal naming convention (UNC), of the .nsc file that contains information on the station being initialized.


An enumeration of MCMPROPFILTERS  type value indicating specific types of information to exclude. Filter values can be added together to exclude multiple types of information.

Return Values

Returns an ActiveX HRESULT error code.


The filter is an enumeration of the MCMPROPFILTERS type. These values can be combined. The filter can have the following values.

Value Mnemonic Description
1 MCM_IGNORE_MCASTADDR Ignore multicast address.
2 MCM_IGNORE_MCASTADAPTERADDR Ignore multicast adapter address.
4 MCM_IGNORE_AUTOARCHIVEDIR Ignore auto-archive directory.
8 MCM_IGNORE_NAME Ignore station name.


' Set a station to the properties defined in the .nsc file "LaScala" _
  but do not archive it in the same place
NSChannelMgr.Channel.InitializeFromNSC _
   ( "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\LaScala.nsc", MCM_IGNORE_AUTOARCHIVEDIR )

See Also

Channel.GetID, Channel.GetActiveStream, Channel.SetActiveStream, Channel.WriteNSC, Channel.Close, Channel.DistributeFrom


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