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Context Lifetimes

Each context holds the value of its properties for a predetermined duration, or lifetime. The values contained in the context can be set and retrieved until the end of the lifetime of that context. The following table details the lifetimes of the contexts.

Context Lifetime
Server Always available.
User Available from the time the client connects to the server until when it disconnects.
Presentation Available from the time the title is opened until when it is closed. A new presentation context is created for each title that is opened by each client.
Command Available through the command duration.

Note   The pointer to the context can be lost immediately after a plug-in method returns. To maintain access to the properties during asynchronous calls, call AddRef to increment the reference counter of the interface. Alternately, the data that the component needs can be copied into temporary variables. If AddRef is used, the component must call Release to free the pointer when the context is no longer needed.


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