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Used to notify the server of the results of the authentication process.


HRESULT OnAuthenticateComplete(
INSSUserAuthentication *pUserCredential,
DWORD  dwRequestId


[in] Result

Specifies the results of the authentication. Values supported for this parameter include:

Value Description
NS_AUTH_SUCCESS Notifies the server that access rights have been granted to the client.
NS_AUTH_DENIED Notifies the server that access rights have been denied to the client.
NS_AUTH_CONTINUE Notifies the server that the authentication process is not complete, and that the server must request more data from the user.
NS_AUTH_ERROR Notifies the server that an error occurred during the authentication process.

[in] pUserCredential

Specifies a pointer to the client’s user-authentication object.

[in] dwRequestId

Specifies a unique identifier of the instance of the client connection. The request ID is passed to the INSSUserAuthentication::Authenticate method.

Return Values

This method must always return S_OK.


If the result passed in to this method is NS_AUTH_CONTINUE, the server calls the INSSUserAuthentication::GetChallenge method to send additional data from the authenticator back to the client.

See Also

INSSUserAuthentication::Authenticate, INSSAuthenticator::CreateUserAuthentication


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