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User Context Properties

The following list describes predefined user context properties that are maintained by the server.

Property name Description
NSS_USER_AGENT A String value describing the software used by the user to the server. It can be used to differentiate whether the connected user is Microsoft® Windows Media™ Player or another server.
NSS_USER_IP_ADDRESS A Long value containing the IP address of the user. The IP address often is not meaningful if it is masked by a firewall. The value of this property can change for different connections by the same client.
NSS_USER_CONTROL_PROTOCOL A String value containing the protocol to communicate with the client. Valid types include: MMS, RTSP, HTTP, and UNKNOWN.
NSS_USER_ID A String value containing the client ID. This ID corresponds with the ClientId property of the Windows Media Unicast service Admin control, and it can be used to disconnect the client.
NSS_USER_NAME A String value containing the user name. This property is only valid after the user has been successfully authenticated.
NSS_USER_AUTHENTICATOR A pointer to the IUnknown interface of the authenticator object that is used to authenticate the user.
NSS_USER_GUID A String value containing the client GUID. This GUID is generated when Windows Media Player is installed on the client computer.


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