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Windows Media Station Control Samples

The following samples illustrate how to use the functionality exposed by the Windows Media Station controls by using HTML, VBScript, and Microsoft® Visual Basic® languages.

Note   You must install the Windows Media Station control (Nschmgr.ocx) in order to run the following samples. The samples are not fully functional unless Windows Media Services is installed on a server. To download the complete suite of Windows Media Services, see the Windows Media Technologies page at the Microsoft Web site.

Sample Description
Multicast Server Monitor Shows how to use the Windows Media Station control with scripting languages to list any existing stations and streams on a server running Windows Media Services.
Creation of a Multicast Station Demonstrates the steps for creating a station and multicasting a stream by using scripting languages.
Single Stream Demonstrates how to create and set up a station and a stream for multicasting by using Visual Basic.
Multiple Streams Demonstrates how to create and set up a station and many streams for multicasting by using Visual Basic.
Distribution Stream Demonstrates how to set up a multicast from one server that receives a distribution feed from another server.


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