MDAC 2.5 SDK - Technical Articles



Sets, adds, or revokes access rights of a trustee for a specific object.

HRESULT SetObjectAccessRights ( 
   SEC_OBJECT *         pObject,
   ULONG                cAccessEntries,
   EXPLICIT_ACCESS *    prgAccessEntries



Address of an initialized SEC_OBJECT structure that indicates the database object on which permissions are to be set.


The number of access control entries listed in prgAccessEntries.


[in, out]
Array of access control entries to set. See Comments.

Return Code


The access rights were successfully set.


One or more access control entries were not set, but at least one access control entry was successfully set. The consumer checks the array of EXPLICIT_ACCESS structures at prgAccessEntries; the entries that failed will have the grfAccessMode entry set to NOT_USED_ACCESS.


No access control entries were set. Every EXPLICIT_ACCESS structure in prgAccessEntries will have the grfAccessMode entry set to NOT_USED_ACCESS.


Requester does not have permissions for the operation.


One or more elements of *prgAccessEntries was invalid.


The object that was supplied is invalid or unknown to the provider.


pObject was a null pointer, or cAccessEntries was not zero and prgAccessEntries was a null pointer.


A provider-specific error occurred.


The caller initializes pObject to specify the database object whose permissions are being set. See SEC_OBJECT for an explanation on initializing this structure.

The grfAccessMode member of each EXPLICIT_ACCESS structure specifies whether to allow, deny, or revoke access rights for the trustee. This member can specify one of the following values from the ACCESS_MODE enumeration.

Value Meaning
GRANT_ACCESS Creates a new access-allowed entry that combines the specified rights with any existing rights of the trustee. The new entry replaces any existing access-allowed entry for the trustee. The provider, in implementing this method , should modify or delete any existing access-denied entry for the trustee that denies the specified rights.
SET_ACCESS Similar to GRANT_ACCESS except that the new access-allowed entry allows only the specified rights, discarding any existing rights. This flag also removes any existing access-denied entry for the trustee.
DENY_ACCESS Creates a new access-denied entry that replaces any existing access-denied entry for the trustee. The new entry denies the specified rights in addition to any currently denied rights of the trustee. The provider should modify or delete any existing access-allowed entry for the trustee that allows the specified rights.
REVOKE_ACCESS Removes any existing entries for the specified trustee. The provider should ignore the rights specified in the grfAccessPermissions member of the EXPLICIT_ACCESS structure.

To set and deny properties in a single call to SetObjectAccessRights, the following restrictions apply to the access entries:

See Also

EXPLICIT_ACCESS, IObjectAccessControl, IObjectAccessControl::GetObjectAccessRights, IObjectAccessControl::IsObjectAccessAllowed, SEC_OBJECT, TRUSTEE