MDAC 2.5 SDK - Technical Articles



The ITrusteeAdmin interface allows the consumer to add, remove, and compare trustees. It also allows the consumer to modify trustee properties used for authentication, such as passwords and a descriptive user name.

When to Implement

The provider will implement the ITrusteeAdmin interface on the data source object if it supports administration of trustees. Trustees can be users, groups, roles, services, and so on. This interface is optional for all providers but is required if the ITrusteeGroupAdmin interface is implemented.

When to Call

After it initializes the data source object, the consumer uses this interface to examine or change trustees that are known by the provider.

Method Description
CompareTrustees Determines whether two trustees are identical.
CreateTrustee Adds a trustee to the collection of trustees known by the data source object. Also sets initial properties for the trustee, such as authentication information and display name.
DeleteTrustee Removes a trustee from the collection of trustees known by the data source object.
GetTrusteeProperties Gets the properties for the trustee, such as the display name or authentication information.
SetTrusteeProperties Sets properties for the trustee, such as the display name or authentication information.