MDAC 2.5 SDK - Technical Articles


What Are the MDAC Technologies?

This article provides a very general overview of the technologies that make up the Microsoft® Data Access Components (MDAC). It discusses each technology’s place in the Universal Data Access (UDA) strategy, which is part of Microsoft® Windows® Distributed interNet Applications Architecture (Windows DNA).

First, it introduces Universal Data Access, the central principle. Then, it discusses the  Microsoft Data Access Components, comprising ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO), OLE DB and OLE DB data providers and service providers, and Open Database Connectivity (ODBC). Each of these technologies includes integrated components and features that enhance their operation, which are briefly described in the appropriate section.

For information about the tasks and features that MDAC technologies enable you to use, see MDAC Technology Features.

For information about the relative advantages of UDA and MDAC, see Choosing MDAC Components.

For information about the history of MDAC redistribution, including detailed information to help you work with several versions of these technologies, see MDAC Distribution, Past and Present.