MDAC 2.5 SDK - Technical Articles


Other Components

In the File version resource description column below, two values have special meanings:

Jet and Replication Objects (JRO)

File name Description File version resource description Redistributable
msjro.dll Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects MDAC 2.1

Remote Data Objects (RDO)

Note   The Remote Data Objects library supports the ODBCDirect services for Microsoft Jet.

File name Description File version resource description Redistributable
msrdc20.ocx Remote Data Control MSRDC20 MDAC 2.1
msrdo20.dll Remote Data Objects library MSRDO20 rdoEngine control MDAC 2.1
rdocurs.dll Microsoft RDO Batch Client Cursor library Microsoft RDO Client Cursor DLL MDAC 2.1

Jet Engine

Note   These files are restricted as specified in the End-User License Agreement.

File name Description File version resource description Redistributable
msjet35.dll Microsoft Jet Database Engine Microsoft Jet Engine Library MDAC 1.x/2.0/2.1 (limited)
msjet40.dll Jet Engine Microsoft Jet Engine Library MDAC 2.1 (limited)
msjint32.dll International resource file Microsoft Jet Database Engine International DLL MDAC 2.0/2.1 (limited)
msjint35.dll Microsoft Jet Database Engine International DLL Microsoft Jet Database Engine International DLL MDAC 1.x (limited)
msjint40.dll Jet international library Microsoft Jet Database Engine International DLL MDAC 2.1 (limited)
msjt3032.dll Microsoft Jet Engine Library Microsoft Jet Engine Library MDAC 1.x (limited)
msjter32.dll Microsoft Jet Database Engine Error DLL Microsoft Jet Database Engine Error DLL MDAC 1.x (limited)
msjter35.dll Error services file Microsoft Jet Database Engine Error DLL MDAC 2.0/2.1 (limited)
msjter40.dll Jet error library Microsoft Jet Database Engine Error DLL MDAC 2.1 (limited)
msrclr40.dll Replication reconciler Microsoft Jet Briefcase Reconciler Library MDAC 2.1
msrecr40.dll Replication reconciler resource library Microsoft Jet Briefcase Reconciler Resource Library MDAC 2.1
msrepl35.dll Microsoft Replication Library Microsoft Replication Library MDAC 2.0 (limited)
msrepl40.dll Jet replication library Microsoft Replication Library MDAC 2.0/2.1 (limited)
msrpjt40.dll Microsoft Replication Provider for Jet Microsoft Replication Provider for Jet MDAC 2.1
mswdat10.dll Jet sorting data library Microsoft Jet Sort Tables MDAC 2.1
mswstr10.dll Jet sorting library Microsoft Jet Sort Library MDAC 2.1

Microsoft Jet Installable ISAMs

Note   These files are restricted as specified in the End-User License Agreement.

File name Description File version resource description Redistributable
msexch35.dll Exchange installable ISAM Microsoft Jet Exchange ISAM MDAC 2.0/2.1 (limited)
msexch40.dll Microsoft Jet Exchange ISAM Microsoft Jet Exchange ISAM MDAC 2.1 (limited)
msexcl35.dll Excel installable ISAM Microsoft Jet Excel ISAM MDAC 1.x/2.0/2.1 (limited)
msexcl40.dll Microsoft Jet Excel ISAM Microsoft Jet Excel ISAM MDAC 2.1 (limited)
msltus35.dll Lotus installable ISAM Microsoft Jet Lotus 1-2-3 ISAM MDAC 2.0/2.1 (limited)
msltus40.dll Lotus IISAM Microsoft Jet Lotus 1-2-3 ISAM MDAC 2.1 (limited)
mspbde40.dll Paradox IISAM Microsoft Jet Paradox ISAM MDAC 2.1
mspdox35.dll Paradox installable ISAM Microsoft Jet Paradox ISAM MDAC 1.x/2.0/2.1 (limited)
mspx3032.dll Microsoft Jet Paradox ISAM Microsoft Jet Paradox ISAM MDAC 1.x (limited)
msrd2x32.dll IISAM for Jet 2.0 databases Microsoft Red ISAM MDAC 1.x (limited)
msrd2x35.dll IISAM for Jet 2.0 databases Microsoft Red ISAM MDAC 1.x/2.0/2.1 (limited)
msrd2x40.dll ISAM for Jet 2.0 databases Microsoft Red ISAM MDAC 2.1 (limited)
msrd3x40.dll ISAM for Jet 3.0 databases Microsoft Red ISAM MDAC 2.1 (limited)
mstext35.dll Text installable ISAM Microsoft Jet Text ISAM MDAC 1.x/2.0/2.1 (limited)
mstext40.dll Text IISAM Microsoft Jet Text ISAM MDAC 2.1 (limited)
mstx3032.dll Text IISAM Microsoft Jet Text ISAM MDAC 1.x
msxb3032.dll Xbase installable ISAM Microsoft Jet xBase ISAM MDAC 1.x (limited)
msxbde40.dll dBase IISAM Microsoft Jet xBASE ISAM MDAC 2.1 (limited)
msxbse35.dll Xbase installable ISAM Microsoft Jet xBase ISAM MDAC 1.x/2.0/2.1 (limited)
msxl3032.dll Excel installable ISAM Microsoft Jet Excel ISAM MDAC 1.x (limited)

SQL Server Support Library

File name Description File version resource description Redistributable
dbmsadsn.dll SQL Server AppleTalk Net-Library Named Pipes Net DLL for SQL Clients MDAC 2.1
dbmsrpcn.dll SQL Server RPC Net-Library ConnectTo RPC Net Library MDAC 2.1
dbmsshrn.dll SQL Server shared-memory Net-Library ConnectTo RPC Net Library MDAC 2.0/2.1
dbmssocn.dll SQL Server TCP/IP sockets Net-Library Winsock Net DLL for SQL Server MDAC 2.0/2.1
dbmsspxn.dll SQL Server SPX Net-Library Client-Side NWLINK SPX WINSOCK Net Library MDAC 2.1
dbmsvinn.dll SQL Server vines networking Net-Library ConnectTo VINES Net Library MDAC 2.1
dbnmpntw.dll SQL Server named pipes Net-Library Named Pipes Net DLL for SQL Clients MDAC 2.0/2.1
sqlstr.dll SQL Server string function library String Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components MDAC 2.1
sqlwid.dll SQL Server UNICODE function library Unicode Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components MDAC 2.1
sqlwoa.dll SQL Server ANSI/UNICODE function library Unicode/ANSI Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components MDAC 2.1

Oracle Support Library

File name Description File version resource description Redistributable
mtxoci.dll Oracle database support library (empty) MDAC 2.0/2.1


File name Description File version resource description Redistributable
asycfilt.dll Automation system library Microsoft OLE for Windows NT and Windows 95 Operating Systems MDAC 2.1
comcat.dll Microsoft Component Category Manager Library Microsoft Component Category Manager Library MDAC 2.0
oleaut32.dll Automation system library Microsoft OLE for Windows NT and Windows 95 Operating Systems MDAC 2.1
olepro32.dll Automation system library Microsoft OLE Property Support DLL MDAC 2.1
stdole2.tlb Automation system library Microsoft OLE for Windows NT and Windows 95 Operating Systems MDAC 2.1

Visual Basic

File name Description File version resource description Redistributable
expsrv.dll Express service Visual Basic for Applications Runtime-Expression Service MDAC 2.0/2.1 (limited)
msvbvm50.dll Visual Basic Virtual Machine Visual Basic Virtual Machine MDAC 1.x/2.0
vbajet32.dll VBA expression service loader Visual Basic for Applications Development Environment-Expression Service Loader MDAC 1.x/2.0/2.1 (limited)
vbar2232.dll A VBA run-time file Visual Basic for Applications Runtime-Expression Service MDAC 1.x
vbar332.dll A VBA run-time file Visual Basic for Applications Runtime-Expression Service MDAC 1.x/2.1

Visual C++, Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), and ActiveX Template Library (ATL)

File name Description File version resource description Redistributable
atl.dll Active Template Library ATL Module for Windows Only with Visual Studio license
mfc40.dll MFCDLL Shared Library—Retail Version MFCDLL Shared Library—Retail Version Only with Visual Studio license
mfc42.dll MFCDLL Shared Library—Retail Version MFCDLL Shared Library—Retail Version Only with Visual Studio license
mfc42d.dll MFCDLL Shared Library—Debug Version MFCDLL Shared Library—Debug Version Not redistributable
mfc42u.dll MFCDLL Shared Library—Retail Version MFCDLL Shared Library—Retail Version Only with Visual Studio license
mfco42d.dll MFCOLE Shared Library—Debug Version MFCOLE Shared Library—Debug Version Not redistributable
mspdb41.dll Microsoft Program Database Microsoft Program Database Not redistributable
msvcirt.dll Microsoft C run-time library Microsoft C++ Runtime Library MDAC 2.1
msvcprj.dll Microsoft Visual C++ Project Package Microsoft Visual C++ Project Package Not redistributable
msvcrt.dll Microsoft C run-time library Microsoft C Runtime Library MDAC 2.1
msvcrt20.dll Microsoft C Runtime Library Microsoft C Runtime Library Only with Visual Studio license
msvcrt40.dll Microsoft C run-time library Microsoft C Runtime Library MDAC 1.x/2.0/2.1
msvcrtd.dll Microsoft C Runtime Library Microsoft C Runtime Library Not redistributable
msvcshl.dll Microsoft Visual C++ Shell Microsoft Visual C++ Shell Not redistributable
msvcsrc.dll Microsoft Visual C++ Src/Dbg Package Microsoft Visual C++ Src/Dbg Package Not redistributable


File name Description File version resource description Redistributable
common98.dll Setup library Setup MDAC 2.1
mdac.cmd ACLs script batch file (N/A) MDAC 2.1
msdamg9x.dll Windows 95/98 setup migration library Microsoft Data Access—Win98 Migration DLL MDAC 2.1
odbcconf.exe Setup library ODBC Driver Configuration Program MDAC 2.1
odbckey.inf Setup library (N/A) MDAC 2.1
odbcstf.dll Setup library ODBC Version 3.0 Custom Action Setup DLL MDAC 2.1


File name Description File version resource description Redistributable
comctl32.ocx Windows Common Controls ActiveX Control DLL Windows Common Controls ActiveX Control DLL Only with Visual Studio license
comdlg32.ocx CMDialog ActiveX Control DLL CMDialog ActiveX Control DLL Only with Visual Studio license
ctl3d32.dll Ctl3D 3D Windows Controls Ctl3D 3D Windows Controls Only with Visual Studio license
regsvr32.exe Microsoft Register Server Microsoft Register Server Only with Visual Studio license