Platform SDK: Certificate Enrollment Control |
The createPKCS10 method creates a base64-encoded PKCS #10 (in BSTR form) that can be submitted to a certification authority. This PKCS #10 requests that a certificate be issued to the person or entity whose information it contains.
[Visual Basic] objEnroll.createPKCS10( _ DNName As String, _ Usage As String ) As String [C++] HRESULT createPKCS10( BSTR DNName, // in BSTR Usage, // in BSTR *pPKCS10 // out );
The purpose OID is just passed through to the PKCS #10 request. For general extensibility and ease of understanding, the control does not attempt to understand specific purpose OIDs. Therefore if you specify a Client Authentication OID, the generated key will still be a signature key, not an exchange key.
[Visual Basic] None.
[C++] The return value is an HRESULT. A value of S_OK indicates success. Upon successful completion of this function, pPKCS10 will contain a base64-encoded PKCS #10 request (in BSTR form). The format is such that it can be directly posted to a Web server for processing.
By default, the Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider is used, PROV_RSA_FULL is the provider type, a signature key is created, and a unique new key set is created.
BSTR bstrDN = NULL; BSTR bstrReq = NULL; BSTR bstrOID = NULL; ICEnroll * pEnroll = NULL; HRESULT hr; // initialize COM hr = CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED ); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("Failed CoInitializeEx - %x\n", hr); goto error; } hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_CEnroll, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ICEnroll, (void **)&pEnroll); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("Failed CoCreateInstance - pEnroll [%x]\n", hr); goto error; } // generate the DN for the cert request bstrDN = SysAllocString( TEXT("CN=Your Name") // common name TEXT(",OU=Your Unit") // org unit TEXT(",O=Your Org") // organization TEXT(",L=Redmond") // locality TEXT(",S=Washington") // state TEXT(",C=US") ); // country/region // generate the OID bstrOID = SysAllocString(TEXT("")); // create the PKCS10 hr = pEnroll->createPKCS10( bstrDN, bstrOID, &bstrReq ); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("Failed createPKCS10 - %x\n", hr); goto error; } else // do something with the PKCS10 (bstrReq); error: //clean up resources, etc. if ( NULL != bstrDN ) SysFreeString( bstrDN ); if ( NULL != bstrOID ) SysFreeString( bstrOID ); if ( NULL != bstrReq ) SysFreeString( bstrReq ); if ( NULL != pEnroll ) pEnroll->Release(); CoUninitialize();
' generate the distinguished name string Dim strDN As String, strPKCS10 As String strDN = "CN=Your Name" ' common name strDN = strDN & ",OU=Your Unit" ' org unit strDN = strDN & ",O=Your Org" ' organization strDN = strDN & ",L=Redmond" ' locality strDN = strDN & ",S=Washington" ' state strDN = strDN & ",C=US" ' country/region ' objEnroll is previously created CEnroll object ' generate the PKCS10 string strPKCS10 = objEnroll.createPKCS10(strDN, "") ' do something with the PKCS10 string... MsgBox (strPKCS10)
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000 (or Windows NT 4.0 with the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack).
Header: Declared in Xenroll.h.
Library: Use Uuid.lib.