Contains the qualified name of the element, attribute, or entity reference, or a fixed string for other node types.
Visual Basic Syntax
strValue = oXMLDOMNode.nodeName
C/C++ Syntax
HRESULT get_nodeName(
BSTR *name);
Node name, which varies depending on the node type.
C/C++ Return Value
Value returned if successful.
Value returned if name is null.
This value depends on the value of the nodeType property.
NODE_ATTRIBUTE | The name of the attribute. |
NODE_CDATA_SECTION | The literal string "#cdata-section". |
NODE_COMMENT | The literal string "#comment". |
NODE_DOCUMENT | The literal string "#document". |
NODE_DOCUMENT_TYPE | The name of the document type. For example, xxx in <!DOCTYPE xxx ...>. |
NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT | The literal string "#document-fragment". |
NODE_ELEMENT | The name of the XML tag, with any namespace prefix included if present. |
NODE_ENTITY | The name of the entity. |
NODE_ENTITY_REFERENCE | The name of the entity referenced. Note that the name does not include the leading ampersand or the trailing semicolon. The name includes the namespace if one is present. |
NODE_NOTATION | The name of the notation. |
NODE_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION | The target; the first token following the <? characters. |
NODE_TEXT | The literal string "#text". |
This method returns the qualified name for the element, attribute, or entity reference. For example, it returns xxx:yyy for the element <xxx:yyy>. The nodeName property always returns a non-empty string.