Microsoft XML 2.5 SDK


XSL Patterns

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

XSL Patterns provide a simple query language for identifying nodes in an XML document, based on their type, name, and values, as well as the relationship of the node to other nodes in the document. For instance, the query "find 'author' elements that have a 'period' attribute with the value 'classical', and that are contained in the 'authors' element at the document root" can be expressed as an XSL Pattern of the form "/authors/author[@period='classical']".

These simple queries are a core part of XSL transformations, which associate the query results with templates to create a new XML document. Queries using the XSL Pattern syntax can also be performed directly against the Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5 XML Document Object Model (DOM).

Internet Explorer 5 implements XSL Patterns as described in Section 2.6 of the Extensible Stylesheet Language (December 18th Working Draft), found at, with the following exceptions:

The Internet Explorer 5 XSL release also contains a number of extensions to enhance the capabilities of XSL. See extensions to the XSL Pattern Language (2.6) as described in the XQL Proposal at

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