Microsoft XML 2.5 SDK


XSL Working Draft Conformance Notes

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5 XSL implementation is based on Section 2 (Tree Construction) of the Extensible Stylesheet Language (December 18th Working Draft), found at Unimplemented features and known conformance bugs are listed below.

Unimplemented Features

There are a number of features that are not implemented in this release. Partial workarounds are noted where they exist.

Section 3 (Formatting Objects) is not supported in this release.

Known Conformance Bugs

A few areas were unable to be updated to the latest syntax in time for this release. This syntax should be considered obsolete and should not be relied on when authoring style sheets conformant to the Working Draft.


The Internet Explorer 5 XSL release also contains a number of extensions to enhance the capabilities of XSL. The XSL Working Group has not approved these and should not be relied on when authoring style sheets conformant to the Working Draft.