Microsoft XML 2.5 SDK


definition Property

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Returns the definition of the node in the DTD or schema.


objXMLDOMNode = oXMLDOMNode.definition


Object. The property is read-only. Returns the node that contains the definition for the entity referenced.

This value depends on the value of the nodeType property.

NODE_ENTITY_REFERENCE Returns the node for the entity referenced; that is, the ENTITY element that was defined for a given ENTITYREF. Given the ENTITYREF &x;, for example, the definition property returns the node in the DOCTYPE node's entity collection that defines the corresponding ENTITY: <!ENTITY x "y">.
NODE_ENTITY For unparsed entities, returns the NOTATION definition from the DOCTYPE node's notation collection. For example, given the ENTITY <!ENTITY networth SYSTEM "networth.xls" NDATA XLS>, the definition property returns the node corresponding to the notation <!NOTATION XLS PUBLIC "">. For parsed entities, returns NULL.
NODE_ATTRIBUTE Returns the XML-Data Schema AttributeType for a given ATTRIBUTE node. For example, the definition property for the attribute myAttribute="123" returns the node corresponding to the element <AttributeType name= "myAttribute"> in the schema. Returns NULL when a DTD is used or when no schema is present.
NODE_ELEMENT Returns the XML-Data Schema ElementType for a given ELEMENT node. For example, given the element <myelement>, the definition property returns the node <ElementType name="myelement"> in the specified external schema. Returns NULL when a DTD is used or when no schema is present.

This member is an extension of the W3C DOM.

Applies To

XMLDOMAttribute, XMLDOMCDATASection, XMLDOMCharacterData, XMLDOMComment, XMLDOMDocument, XMLDOMDocumentFragment, XMLDOMDocumentType, XMLDOMElement, XMLDOMEntity, XMLDOMEntityReference, XMLDOMNode, XMLDOMNotation, XMLDOMProcessingInstruction, XMLDOMText, XTLRuntime