Microsoft XML 2.5 SDK


namespaceURI Property

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Returns the URI for the namespace.


strValue = oXMLDOMNode.namespaceURI


String. The property is read-only. Returns the URI (universal resource identifier) for the namespace. This refers to the "uuu" portion of the namespace declaration xmlns:nnn="uuu".

This member is an extension of the W3C DOM.

Applies To

XMLDOMAttribute, XMLDOMCDATASection, XMLDOMCharacterData, XMLDOMComment, XMLDOMDocument, XMLDOMDocumentFragment, XMLDOMDocumentType, XMLDOMElement, XMLDOMEntity, XMLDOMEntityReference, XMLDOMNode, XMLDOMNotation, XMLDOMProcessingInstruction, XMLDOMText, XTLRuntime