Microsoft XML 2.5 SDK


parsed Property

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Contains true if this node and all descendants have been parsed and instantiated, or false if any nodes remain to be parsed.


boolValue = oXMLDOMNode.parsed


Boolean. The property is read-only. During asynchronous access, not all of the document tree might be available. Before performing some operations, such as XSL transformations or pattern-matching operations, it is useful to know whether the entire tree below this node is available for processing.

This member is an extension of the W3C DOM.


The following VBScript example displays whether or not the top-level node (root) and all its descendants are parsed:

Dim xmlDoc
Dim root
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("microsoft.xmldom")
xmlDoc.async = False
Set root = xmlDoc.documentElement
MsgBox root.parsed

Applies To

XMLDOMAttribute, XMLDOMCDATASection, XMLDOMCharacterData, XMLDOMComment, XMLDOMDocument, XMLDOMElement, XMLDOMDocumentFragment, XMLDOMDocumentType, XMLDOMEntity, XMLDOMEntityReference, XMLDOMNode, XMLDOMNotation, XMLDOMProcessingInstruction, XMLDOMText, XTLRuntime