Microsoft XML 2.5 SDK


value Method

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Returns a typed version of the value of an element.




If data typing is not supported or a data type is not provided, this method returns the text value for the element.

For the purposes of comparison, the value method is implied if omitted. In other words, when two items are compared, the comparison operates on the values of the two items.

Note that in the release provided with Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5, this value method does not preserve white space as expected when the xml:space="preserve" setting is present. Use the text property, which processes the white space correctly. You will need to access this property from script not an XSL pattern.


The following pairs of examples are equivalent:

author[last-name!value() = "Bob" and first-name!value() = "Joe"]
author[last-name = "Bob" and first-name = "Joe"]
price[@intl!value() = "canada"]
price[@intl = "canada"]

See Also

XML Data Types Reference