Microsoft XML 2.5 SDK


XSL Methods

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

XSL provides a set of methods for common counting and datatype formatting tasks. These methods are implemented by the XTLRuntime object, and can be called directly from within the xsl:eval and xsl:script elements in your style sheet.

For example, the following fragment from an XSL file shows how to transform chapter/title input into a numbered table of contents in HTML using the built-in methods formatIndex and childNumber.

<xsl:for-each select="chapter">
    Chapter <xsl:eval>formatIndex(childNumber(this), "I")</xsl:eval>:
  <xsl:value-of select="title"/>
  <xsl:apply-templates />

XSL Built-in Methods

absoluteChildNumber Returns the number of the node relative to all siblings.
ancestorChildNumber Returns the number of the nearest ancestor of a node with the requested node name.
childNumber Returns the number of the node relative to siblings of the same node name.
depth Returns the depth within the document tree at which the specified node appears.
formatDate Formats the supplied date using the specified formatting options.
formatIndex Formats the supplied integer using the specified numerical system.
formatNumber Formats the supplied number using the specified format.
formatTime Formats the supplied time using the specified formatting options.
uniqueID Returns the unique identifier for the supplied node.