Microsoft Remote Data ServiceMicrosoft Remote Data Service*
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Connect Property

Sets or returns the database name from which the query and update operations are run.

You can set the Connect property at design time in the RDS.DataControl object's OBJECT tags, or at run time in scripting code (for instance, VBScript).

Design time<PARAM NAME="Connect" VALUE="DSN=DSNName;UID=usr;PWD=pw;">
Run timeDataControl.Connect = "DSN=DSNName;UID=usr;PWD=pw;"

DSNNameA String that specifies the system data source name that identifies a specific database.
usrA String that represents a valid user account on the server.
pwA String that represents a valid password for the user account.
DataControlAn object variable that represents an RDS.DataControl object.

Applies To



See Also

Getting a Recordset to the Client, Query Method, Refresh Method, SubmitChanges Method, Using RDS.DataControl to Pass Updated Disconnected Recordset Objects Back to the Middle Tier

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