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SubmitChanges Method

Submits pending changes of the locally cached updatable Recordset to the ODBC data source specified in the Connect property.



DataFactory.SubmitChanges Connection, Recordset
DataControl An object variable that represents an RDS.DataControl object.
DataFactoryAn object variable that represents an RDSServer.DataFactory object.
ConnectionA String value that represents the connection created with the RDS.DataControl object's Connect property.
Recordset An object variable that represents a Recordset object.

Applies To

RDS.DataControl, RDSServer.DataFactory


The Connect, Server, and SQL properties must be set before you can use the SubmitChanges method with the RDS.DataControl object.

If you call the CancelUpdate method after you have called SubmitChanges for the same Recordset object, the CancelUpdate call fails because the changes have already been committed.

Only the changed records are sent for modification, and either all of the changes succeed or all of them fail together.

You can use SubmitChanges only with the default RDSServer.DataFactory object. Custom business objects can't use this method.


See Also

Refresh Method, CancelUpdate Method, Address Book Command Buttons, Using RDS.DataControl to Pass Updated Disconnected Recordset Objects Back to the Middle Tier, Tutorial: Building a Simple Remote Data Service Application

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