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ExecuteOptions Property

Indicates whether or not asynchronous execution is enabled.


The ExecuteOptions property can be either of the following values.
adcExecSyncExecutes the next refresh of the Recordset synchronously.
adcExecAsyncDefault. Executes the next refresh of the Recordset asynchronously.

Note Each client-side executable file that uses these constants must provide declarations for them. You can cut and paste the constant declarations you want from the file, located in the C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\MSADC folder.

Applies To



If ExecuteOptions is set to adExecAsync, then this asynchronously executes the next Refresh call on the RDS.DataControl object’s Recordset.

If you try to call Reset, Refresh, SubmitChanges, CancelUpdate, or Recordset while another asynchronous operation is executing that might change the RDS.DataControl object's Recordset, an error occurs.

If an error occurs during an asynchronous operation, the RDS.DataControl object’s ReadyState value changes from adcReadyStateLoaded to adcReadyStateComplete, and the Recordset property value remains Nothing.


See Also

Asynchronous Population, Cancel Method

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