Breakpoints Dialog Box

See Also

Allows you to specify options for breakpoints.

This dialog box appears when you choose Breakpoints from the Tools menu of the Debugger window.

Dialog Box Options


The type of breakpoint. Choose one of the following settings:

Setting Description
Break at location Stops execution at a line of code.
Break at location if expression is true Stops execution at a line of code when an expression becomes true.
Break when expression is true Stops execution when an expression becomes true.
Break when expression has changed Stops execution when the value of an expression changes.


Where to suspend execution. The location can be a program, a procedure, or a specific method or event. You can suspend program execution at a particular line in the location by including the line number after the location and a comma.

Tip   To display line numbers in the Trace window, choose Show line numbers in the Debug tab of the Options dialog box.


The file that the location is in. The file can be a program, form, or class file. If you don't specify a file name, the breakpoint is evaluated for any method or procedure with the same name as the method or procedure in the Location box.

Pass Count

Number of times the line of code in the Location box must execute before program execution suspends.

Tip   Use Pass Count with loops that encounter problems only after a certain number of iterations.


Any valid Visual FoxPro expression. When you choose Break when expression is true or Break at location if expression is true from the Type list, specify the expression here.


Lists all breakpoints you have added. Enabled breakpoints are marked with a check and are toggled with the Enable and Disable buttons.

All breakpoints listed in the Breakpoints list are saved to a debug configuration file when you choose Save Configuration from the File menu in the Debugger window.


Adds the breakpoint specified by the Type, Location, File, Pass Count, and Expression boxes to the Breakpoints list. Only added breakpoints are saved when you exit the dialog box.


Removes the selected breakpoint from the Breakpoints list.


Clears the check mark beside the selected breakpoint in the Breakpoints list. When you disable a breakpoint, program execution is not suspended at the location or condition specified by the breakpoint.


Sets the check mark beside the selected breakpoint in the Breakpoints list and activates the breakpoint.

Clear All

Removes all the breakpoints from the Breakpoints list.

Display Breakpoint Messages

Allows you to toggle whether breakpoint message boxes display when a breakpoint is encountered. Breakpoint messages do not display when the break at location breakpoint is encountered.