Database Designer Shortcut Menu

See Also

Contains shortcuts to several commands useful in the Database Designer. Items that appear on shortcut menus depend on what you right-click in the Database Designer.

Shortcut Menu Options

Expand All

Expands all collapsed tables in the Database Designer tab so you can see their names. This command can only be accessed in the Database Designer through the shortcut menu.

Collapse All

Collapses all tables so that only their titles are visible. This command can only be accessed in the Database Designer through the shortcut menu.

Find Object

Displays the Find Table or View dialog box so you can locate objects in the database schema. This command corresponds to the Find Object command in the Database menu.

New Table

Displays the New Table dialog box where you can create a new table using the Table Wizard or Table Designer. This command corresponds to the New Table command in the Database menu.

Add Table

Displays the Open dialog box so you can add an existing table to a database. You can select any table that is not currently part of another database. Since tables can only belong to one database at a time, you need to remove a table from a database before you can use it in a new database. This command corresponds to the Add Table command in the Database menu.

New Remote View

Displays the New Remote View dialog box where you can create a new remote view using the Remote View Wizard or the View Designer. This command corresponds to the New Remote View command in the Database menu.

New Local View

Displays the New Local View dialog box where you can create a new view of a local table using the Local View Wizard or View Designer. This command corresponds to the New Local View command in the Database menu.

Edit Referential Integrity

Displays the Referential Integrity Builder, in which you set up rules to control how records are inserted, updated, or deleted in related tables. This command corresponds to the Edit Referential Integrity command in the Database menu.

Edit Stored Procedures

Displays all Visual FoxPro stored procedures for the current database in an editing window. This command corresponds to the Edit Stored Procedures command in the Database menu.


Displays the Connections dialog box, in which you can choose to modify an existing connection to a remote data source or choose to create a new one. This command corresponds to the Connections command in the Database menu.


Displays the Database Properties dialog box, in which you can choose which objects appear in the schema display, or add a comment to the database. This command corresponds to the Properties command in the Database menu.

Remove Relationship

Removes the selected table relationship. This command appears when you right-click on a relationship line between two tables in the Database Designer. This command can only be accessed in the Database Designer through the shortcut menu.

Edit Relationship

Displays the Edit Relationship dialog box where you can alter the persistent relationship between tables. Enable this command by selecting a relationship line in the Database Designer. This command corresponds to the Edit Relationship command in the Database menu.


Displays the selected table in the Browse window for viewing and editing. This command corresponds to the Browse command in the Database menu.


Deletes a table from the Database Designer window. This command can only be accessed in the Database Designer through the shortcut menu.


Collapses the selected table so that only its title is visible. This command can only be accessed in the Database Designer through the shortcut menu.


Expands a collapsed table so you can see its field names. This command can only be accessed in the Database Designer through the shortcut menu.


Opens the selected table in the Table Designer, or the selected view in the View Designer. Use the Table Designer to create and modify tables, fields, indexes, default field values, validation rules, triggers, and comments. This command corresponds to the Modify command in the Database menu.


Displays Help on the selected item.