Format (Field) Dialog Box

See Also

Specifies the value of an expression in a field control. This dialog box appears when you have a valid expression in the Expression box of the Report Expression dialog box and choose the dialog button for Format.

Dialog Box Options


Allows you to type the format expression instead of setting the options below, or type a format template.


Specifies Character data type, and displays the appropriate editing options.


Specifies Numeric data type, and displays the appropriate editing options.


Specifies Date data type, and displays the appropriate editing options.

Editing Options

This group changes according to the data type (Character, Numeric, or Date). Selecting these options places a formatting code in the Format box.

To Upper Case (Character type)

Converts all characters to uppercase.

Ignore Input Mask

Displays, but does not store, nonformat characters.

Left Justify (Numeric and Character type)

Begins all numeric data at the leftmost position in the specified field.

Right Justify (Character type)

Prints data flush-right in field.

Center Justify (Character type)

Centers data in field.

Blank If Zero (Numeric type)

If field output is zero, does not print the zero.

(Negative) (Numeric type)

Places negative numbers in parentheses.

SET Date (all types)

Displays data as a date using the current SET DATE format.

British Date (all types)

Displays data as a European (BRITISH) date.

CR If Positive (Numeric type)

Displays CR (credit) after positive numbers.

DB If Negative (Numeric type)

Displays DB (debit) after negative numbers.

Leading Zeros (Numeric type)

Prints all leading zeros.

Currency (Numeric type)

Displays currency format as specified on the Regional tab in the Options dialog box.

Scientific (Numeric type)

Displays format in scientific notation (useful for very large or very small numbers).

For more information, see "Formatting Field Controls" in both Chapter 7, Designing Reports and Labels in the User's Guide and Chapter 12, Adding Queries and Reports in the Programmer's Guide.