Format Menu

See Also

The Format menu contains options for fonts, spacing, alignment, and object positioning.

Note   The commands available on the Format menu vary according to what window you are working with. For example, if you are creating a report using the Report Designer, the Format menu contains different commands than if you are working in the Command window or on a report or label.

Format Menu Commands

Text Alignment

Displays the Text Alignment submenu, which contains commands that let you adjust alignment and spacing of text within a field or label control. This command is available when you work with a report or label.

Reading Order

Sets the text reading order for the report. This option is only enabled in a BIDI version of FoxPro.


Fills selected controls with a pattern. This command is available when you work with a report or label.  To enable this command, you must create a rectangle or rounded rectangle control in a report or label, and then select the control. Fill provides eight fill pattern options.


Displays the Pen submenu, which contains commands that let you set point size and the design pattern of lines and outlines for rectangles and rounded rectangles on your label or report. This command is available when you work with a report or label.


Displays the Mode submenu, which lets you determine whether the selected control is opaque or transparent. Opaque prevents controls behind the selected control from showing through. Transparent allows controls behind the selected control to show through. This command is available when you work with a report or label.


Displays the Font dialog box, where you can set the font type, style, and size. This command is available when you work with a text file, field, or label control in a report or label, or the Command window.

Enlarge Font

Increases the font size by the next-larger size available. This command is available when you work with a text or program file or the Command window.

Reduce Font

Decreases the font size to the next-smaller size available. This command is available when you work with a text or program file.

Single Space

Displays text with no blank lines between lines of text. This command is available when you work with a text file, program file, or the Command window.

1 1/2 Space

Sets line spacing at 1.5, which displays text with one and a half blank lines between lines of text. This command is available when you work with a text file, program file, or the Command window.

Double Space

Sets line spacing at 2, which displays text with two blank lines between lines of text. This command is available when you work with a text file, program file, or the Command window.


Indents the selected line or lines by one tab. This command is available when you work with a text file, program file, or the Command window.


Removes previously inserted indents one at a time. This command is available when you work with a text file, program file, or the Command window.


Displays the Align submenu, which lets you align controls on a form or in a report, label, or class. This command is available when you work with a report, label, form, or class.


Displays the Size submenu, which lets you change the size of controls. This command is available when you work with a report, label, form, or class, and create and select a control.

Horizontal Spacing

Displays the Horizontal Spacing submenu, which lets you change the horizontal spacing of selected objects. This command is available when you work with a report, label, form, or class.

Vertical Spacing

Displays the Vertical Spacing submenu, which lets you set the vertical spacing between selected controls. This command is available when you work with a report, label, form, or class.

Bring to Front

Brings selected controls to the front layer so that they appear on top of overlapping controls. This command is available when you work with a report, label, form, or class, and when you add and then select objects. Shortcut: CTRL+G

Send to Back

Sends selected controls to the back layer so that any overlapping controls appear on top of them. This command is available when you work with a report, label, form, or class, and when you add and then select objects. Shortcut: CTRL+J


Joins selected controls so that they can be manipulated as a single control. It is equivalent to dragging the mouse to select all controls at once. This command is available when you work with a report or label, and then select controls.


Separates previously grouped controls so that they can be manipulated individually. This command is available when you work with a report or label and have grouped controls.

Snap to Grid

Moves controls in grid increments when you select and drag them. This command is available when you work with a report, label, form, or class, and when you add and then select objects. You can set the default for Form Designer in the Forms tab of the Options dialog box.

Note   These settings apply to the current form, report, or label only, and will be saved for this current file in the resource file.

Set Grid Scale

Displays the Set Grid Scale dialog box, where you can define horizontal and vertical increments of the grid in pixels, and (for reports and labels) specify whether the ruler displays inches or pixels. This command is available when you work with a report, label, form, or class. You can set the default for Form Designer in the Forms tab of the Options dialog box.

Note   These settings apply to the current form, report, or label only, and will be saved for this current file in the resource file.


Marks selected lines of text as comment by placing an *!* at the beginning of the line. This command is available when you work with a text file, program file, or the Command window.


Removes previous comment formatting, *!*, from the selected text. This command is available when you work with a text file, program file, or the Command window.

For more information, see "Formatting Options for Report Controls" in Chapter 12, Adding Queries and Reports in the Programmer's Guide.