Properties Window Shortcut Menu

See Also

Contains shortcuts to several useful commands that are in the Properties window. These commands appear when you right-click the Properties window.

Shortcut Menu Options

Property Descriptions

Displays a description box at the bottom of the Properties window. Click on any of the items in the Properties list to display a description of that property. This command can only be accessed in the Properties window through the shortcut menu.

Always on Top

When this command is checked, the Properties window will remain on top of all subsequent windows displayed in FoxPro. This command can only be accessed in the Properties window through the shortcut menu.

Non-Default Properties Only

Displays only properties that are non-default properties. Non-default properties whose values have been changed from the inherited parent class value are displayed in bold in the Property window. This command can only be accessed in the Properties window through the shortcut menu.

Small Font

Displays the text in the Properties list in the default small font size. This command can only be accessed in the Properties window through the shortcut menu.

Medium Font

Displays the text in the Properties list in a medium font size. This command can only be accessed in the Properties window through the shortcut menu.

Large Font

Displays the text in the Properties list in a large font size. This command can only be accessed in the Properties window through the shortcut menu.

Reset to Default

Resets the selected property to its default value.  This command is enabled only when the selected property is set to a value other than the default value. This command can only be accessed in the Properties window through the shortcut menu.


Displays the Zoom <property> dialog box, which allows you to view the entire text value of a property. This command is only enabled when the selected property has a value that is a variable length text string. This command can only be accessed in the Properties window through the shortcut menu.

Expression Builder

Displays the Expression Builder dialog box, which allows you to create and edit expressions.


Displays Help on the selected item.