You must convert FoxPro 2.6 labels (.lbx files) to Visual FoxPro format to make files available to the Report Designer and to add Visual FoxPro functionality.
To convert a FoxPro 2.6 label
– Or –
The Conversion Options dialog box appears.
The conversion process performs these steps:
If the FoxPro 2.6 label was created without an ENVIRONMENT clause, the AutoOpenTables and AutoCloseTables properties of the converted label are set to false (.F.).
If the FoxPro 2.6 label was created with an ENVIRONMENT clause, the AutoOpenTables and AutoCloseTables properties of the converted label are set to true (.T.). The Destroy event of the converted label contains the following code:
THIS.OpenTables && Opens all the tables
THIS.Init && Runs the Init code of the converted report's
&& DataEnvironment
After converting a label, Visual FoxPro opens the Label Designer so you can so you can add Visual FoxPro functionality to the converted label. To ensure that your label converted as you intended, see Checking Converted FoxPro 2.6 Reports and Labels.