Creating, Moving, and Editing Toolbar Buttons

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You can easily create, move, copy, and edit toolbar buttons. You can connect toolbar buttons to code using ClassWizard while the Toolbar editor is active.

By default, a new or blank button is displayed at the right end of the toolbar. You can move this button before editing it. When you create a new button, another blank button appears to the right of the edited button. When you save a toolbar, the blank button is not saved.

What do you want to do?

Create a new toolbar button

Move a toolbar button

Copy buttons from a toolbar resource

Delete a toolbar button

Insert a space between buttons on a toolbar resource

Close up a space between buttons on a toolbar

Edit the property page of a toolbar

To create a new toolbar button

To move a toolbar button

To copy buttons from a toolbar

  1. Hold down the CTRL key.

  2. Drag the button to either its new location on the toolbar or to a location on another toolbar.

To delete a toolbar button

To insert a space between buttons on a toolbar

  1. To insert a space before a button that is not followed by a space, drag the button to the right or down until it overlaps the next button about halfway.

  2. To insert a space before a button that is followed by a space and retain the space following the button, drag the button until the right or bottom edge is just touching the next button or just overlaps it.

  3. To insert a space before a button that is followed by a space and close up the following space, drag the button to the right or down until it overlaps the next button about halfway.

To close up a space between buttons on a toolbar