Presenting PT Application Screens

The user interface of the PT application consists of four types of screens. Three of these are full-page screens that Microsoft® Internet Explorer displays. The fourth type consists of smaller windows in which users can enter data. The full-page screens are used for navigation, data display (table views), and data input (form views). The four types of screens in the PT application are:

The Role of Roles

Much of the functionality of a given screen is determined by the identity of the person viewing it. A person's identity consists of two elements: a role and a logon name. The PT application recognizes four roles—administrator, evaluator, auditor, and individual. For in-depth information about roles, see Roles Used by the PT Application.

Note  The PT Admin application implements only the Administrator role. The other three roles will be implemented in the PT User application for Scenario 4.

The following topics describe how the PT application makes information available to users in each of the four roles. Although each topic also states which screens are in the PT Admin and which are in the PT User application, you can generally assume that if administrators can see a screen, the screen is in the PT Admin application. All other screens are in the PT User application.