Copyright, Installation, and Redistribution Information

This is a copyrighted MetaCreations transform. If you use this version of the transform in your Web pages, the MetaCreations logo is displayed on the output. You need to obtain a licensed version of this transform from MetaCreations if you don't want the logo displayed. For licensing information, see external link

This transform is part of the Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, Microsoft Windows® 98 Second Edition, and Windows 2000 core install. If you don’t have any of the above, you can obtain this transform by installing the Microsoft® DirectX® Media Software Development Kit (SDK) version 6, including the "Optional DirectX Transforms", which is selected by default.

This transform is located in Dxtmeta2.dll in the DirectX Media SDK's \Samples\Multimedia\Dtrans\Bin folder. This dynamic-link library (DLL) file can be redistributed according to the same terms as the DirectX Media 6.x SDK redist. For information on the DirectX media redist, see the Redistribution Information.

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